Sunday, 20 September 2009 04:40

Bingo Lovers manage to put a list with some clever ways on how to be romantic, take extra care before you use one and make sure the kids are not at home

- Give your lover a dozen roses - and do it with a creative twist. Give eleven red roses and one white rose. Attach a note that reads: “In every bunch there’s one who stands out— and you are that one.”
- Unplug the TV. Put a note on the screen saying, “Turn me on instead.”
- Keep candles in the car. Eat dinner by candlelight the next time you go to KFC.
- Run your hands under hot water before joining your partner in bed (!)
- Fake a power outage at home. (Loosen the fuses or throw the breaker switches.) With no TV to tempt you…with no computer to occupy you…with no central heating to heat you…you pretty much have no choice but to get out the candles, huddle around the fireplace and be romantic!
- Romance on a Budget?
Watching falling stars together. Cost: Nada.
Walk hand-in-hand together. Cost: Nothing.
Kiss for five full minutes. Cost: Absolutely free.
- Don’t just walk into the house tonight the way you always do. Pause on the porch, ring the doorbell, and greet her with one red rose and a bottle of champagne.
- Don’t buy roses only for Valentine’s Day - Do buy flowers that begin with the first letter of her name.
- Don’t go to the beach on crowded weekends - Do go mid-week.
- Don’t go to popular vacation spots during their busy seasons - Do go right before or after the busy season.
- Don’t turn yourself into a marty - Do make some sacrifices for each other.
- Don’t read the newspaper at the breakfast table - Do talk with one another over breakfast.
- Don’t give him a birthday present - Do give him seven gifts, one for each day of his birthday week.
- Don’t leave lovemaking until just before sleeping - Do schedule more time for foreplay.
- Don’t make love the same way every time - Do eliminate distractions for two to three hours.
- Don’t rush through lovemaking - Do slow down! You’ll both enjoy yourselves, and each other, more.
- Don’t: Negotiate - as if your relationship were a business deal - Do: Learn the gentle art of loving compromise.
- Don’t try to change your partner - Do accept him or her for the special, unique person he or she is.
- Don’t act your age - Do wacky things, express your quirkiness, be creative.
So my bingo friends play your favourite bingo game whenever you can but don’t neglect or take for granted your partner, a bit of romance and you will be forgiven for all those hours in front of the PC, playing Bingo.
How to be romantic - Written by Amorita