Monday, 18 June 2012 18:38
Sometimes facts are counter-intuitive. But today's announcement from Bingo Port that hot weather adversely affects bingo player activity and cold weather results in more online bingo being played is hardly a revelation.
After all people stay indoors when it's cold and miserable, and go outside when the sun shines.
We at Bingo News don't know too many people who play online bingo down at the beach!
According to the report, the UK's warmest day last month was recorded on May 27th at 30C in various locations. The same day was the lowest day of online bingo player activity for the month, with an estimated 289,000 UK residents playing bingo online.
In contrast, the highest day for online bingo player activity was recorded on May 4th, with just over 400,000 players estimated to have played bingo online. The temperature reached a top of just 9.6C that day, the second coldest day of the month behind May 3rd, which also saw just under 400,000 estimated players.