Monday, 23 March 2009 00:00

In the tender age of 4 he found the best and most interesting online game that is none other than the favourite of many, the Game of Bingo. As he grew older also grew his love for the game.
After attending his first lessons in Bingo Junior School, at the age of 13 he secured a scholarship to the best and most famous University in the world, the London School of Bingo. He graduated in 1988 with excellent grades. Then he did his PhD on Love and Online Bingo.
As soon as he graduated he had numerous proposals from leading companies in the Industry of Bingo. But he decided to follow what was in his heart since his young age, the espionage.
He then began to travel from country to country, looking to reveal the best kept secrets. Sponsor of this effort was the Google Search Airlines, the largest operator in the world.
After a long, lonely and successful journey into the underworld of bingo he decided to return back to his homeland, having secured the most reliable secrets, the best offers and all the information on the best bingo sites.
Once it became known that he returned a small war had started over who would secure the services of Bingolero.
With great pleasure, we announce to all our friends, that Bingolero is now part of our family, the Bingo Lovers Family.
Bingoleo is our brother. Stay tuned and you will be mesmerized by him.
Mark Rosenborg
Bingolero’s bro