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TOPIC: Bingo Facts
Bingo Facts 14 Years, 5 Months ago  
Bingo Facts
Oh my this is so funny! I just read an article written by Jim Cook in the Dothan Eagle. The title of the article is "Facts About Bingo". Reading the title I thought that it was going to be real bingo facts.

It's not. It's more or less a major dig and all of the opposition and so on going on with bingo in Alabama.

The article is far too long to put here so you can follow my link to read it.
According to a lot of Internet postings, this fall the most important choice Alabama voters will get to make is whether to support a bunch of corrupt clowns in favor of bingo or a bunch of corrupt clowns opposed to it.

To better educate the public about this important issue, I have decided to present some true facts about bingo and the electronic form of bingo. Here we go:

Electronic bingo was actually invented in 1774 by Benjamin Franklin in an experiment involving a kite, a wire, some bingo cards and a propeller (As a historical footnote, it was also on this very trip that Franklin, inventor of the stove, devised the Dutch oven while sharing a tent with George Washington and John Adams).

Immediately after Franklin’s invention became public, a great debate began in American and British newspapers regarding whether it was “an electronic form of edification” or an “infernal slot machine.” Subsequently, the Revolutionary War was fought. So really, it was all about bingo. All that stuff about taxes and liberty was just PR.

Bingo is the key to resolving conflict in the Middle East. The concept is simple. We’ll substitute the word “JIHAD” for bingo and start paper games throughout the region. Islamic fundamentalists will play the game. Seventy-two virgins or lightly used, highway miles only, nonvirgins will be awarded to the first player to spell JIHAD on their card. J-2, I-13, H-22, A-34, D-49 doesn’t just spell JIHAD, it also spells world peace.

World War II was all about bingo. That whole getting rid of Hitler thing was just an afterthought. Sort of like stopping for ice cream at Coldstone on the way home from the grocer.

Bingo caused the gods to sink Atlantis. Julius Caesar was assassinated because he intended to set up a few slots outside the temple of Fortuna. There’s an evil clown that lives in the sewers that eats children. His name? Bingo.

Even now, in a single-wide trailer an amateur chemist is devising a way to manufacture methamphetamine from a bingo dauber. The new product will be named “Lucky Sebumn.” Why? Because meth heads are too busy counting their remaining teeth to be bothered with spelling “seven.”

Electronic bingo has many medicinal purposes. For example, it can cure cancer. Why else would there be so many old people and smokers in bingo halls? You can beat the big C and the big casino all in one trip.

Bingo also may be a cure for erectile dysfunction. After all, it’s certainly aroused our governor. In fact, if you read most online postings about bingo, you realize that it’s redirecting the blood flow of quite a few people, because it’s certainly not going to their brains.


Online roulette
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Re:Bingo Facts 14 Years, 4 Months ago  
* Eight per cent of the population play bingo - 10% of all women and 5% of all men.
* An average British game of bingo takes between four and four and a half minutes.
* The average speed of a British bingo caller is 23 numbers per minute.
* The average time to check a winning claim is 30 seconds.
* There is a "caller of the year competition" in which bingo callers compete for a two week holiday.
*The French were the first to play with Bingo playing cards, tokens and reading those numbers out loud!
* Celebrities love bingo! Denise Van Outen is a big bingo fan, as are Catherine Zeta Jones and Robbie Williams.
* Bingo became popular in Australia early in the 20th Century. It was known as HOUSIE. HOUSIE and was held in large marquees before they moved into halls.
* In the 1800's a Lotto game similar to Bingo was used as an educational tool Germany designed to teach children multiplication tables.
*Throughout the 1800s Bingo spread quickly in Europe. Typically, the "Caller" would draw from a bag full of wooden chips numbered from 1-90. Like today, the object of the game was to be the first to cover a horizontal or vertical row.
*In 1929, a game called "Beano" was played in a carnival near Atlanta, Georgia. Dried beans, a rubber stamp and a cardboard sheet were all that these Americans need to get their minds off the sting of the Depression.
* The most common reasons for playing bingo are because it's fun, it offers companionship and the chance to socialise.
*It wasn't until a New York toy salesman named Edwin Lowe, observed how players shouted the word, "BEANO!!" after winner was the modern game of Bingo born.
*Mr. Lowe introduced the game to his friends in New York where one of them mistakenly yelled "BINGO!!" for the first time in her excitement, and "Lowe's Bingo" was soon the talk of NYC. Lowe asked players to pay him $1 per year to allow them to call their games Bingo as well...
*By the late 1940s, Bingo games sprung up all over the country with thousands of games being played every week.
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Re:Bingo Facts 14 Years, 3 Months ago  
With the advent of gaming over the Internet and having some instant popularity just changed a lot of things. The online gaming industry has been getting bigger and better with every passing day, with more and more people getting involved and so is the money factor. I do think that this has a long way to go.
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